Friday, February 17, 2017

Editor's Notes

Editor's Note

February 23, 2017: 5:00pm: Completed last round of editing changes and I am satisfied with how my account looks at this date. It's only normal, I think, for a person to write a certain percentage of bad content and I just clip it all out at once after a couple years of letting it accumulate. Last time I edited my blogs was in late 2012, so this account was due for a cleanup. I've also erased my copyright notices at the top of every blog because they do not suit the average reader. As for litigation, I am not receiving the support I expected for that at the moment, even having supplied ample evidence to support my claims over the years. Anyway, I do not want to get sucked into a vortex by all the fraud committed with my music and comedy in the past. I will simply keep posting portions of my new content as it generates, perhaps at the rate of a few songs and cartoons or poems every few weeks. I've opened a new blog for comedy scripts at this link: We're All Dying. And I'll reserve some of my work for myself if my online work gets attacked again.

February 19, 2017: 5:00pm: Just finished editing all my blogs from 2014 and 2015. You can check them and see that they are indeed safe for family viewing. I didn't delete anything good, but I need to leave this account in a form that I can live with. I don't need a bunch of bitter complaints about my life cluttering up my account and taking attention away from my good posts. And those defensive statements against people in my vicinity were effective in their time but they always end up holding me back. I'll keep working on this until everything is cleaned up back to 2013. I don't need to worry about anything beyond there.

February 18, 2017: 9:00-11:38am: Completed my first round of edits on my Leftovers blog which covers over six months of 2015. It only took about a day yesterday to get through the whole blog. You may check it to see the transformation. On top of removing unpleasant entries, I want to isolate my copyright information as much as possible in my relatively new 'copyright issues' page and away from my other content.

February 17, 2017:

I need to clean up my blogs again. I'll be editing for the next week or so, so don't be too shocked if a page goes missing here and there over the next couple months. It's probably something you didn't want to read.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 13, 2017


It's getting harder to
Hold onto this depression
With everything I want
To launch me to a strange new height

You rival the sunrise
You puzzle the mind
Keep the meter spinning
Into a different beginning

It's such a bother to
Sustain a tragic vision
The apparitions all
Evaporating in the light

You make it a party
Wherever you are
With a bent for adventure
I would not endeavour to measure

Even the best initial success
Could turn to a heavy fall
Taking my chances
Would not expect a plot to detect
Or stranger to pay a call
Fully oblivious
Cruising along

I will not struggle to
Catch onto this condition
Let apprehensions
Keep me up all hours of the night

Progress in question
You in the lead
On the understanding
The trip won't get too demanding
Lost as beforehand
But not as alone
If it stays unshaken
A gainful way has been taken
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2017. Words and music by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Motion Cautionary

Motion Cautionary
It's up to someone to make sure you have a chance
To see what first eluded your attention
The length that some will go to beat the circumstance
Deserves some minimal mention

More rewarding to turn my head
Seeking out an exemption
Leave the warning signs unread
Without comprehension

I won't be neutral on a revelation known
Directly shown to one astonished witness
And though depending on experience alone
It's only minding my business

Up against a frigid mass
Bleak the ordinary
Hoping that the loss will pass
For the customary
Out of nowhere in the dawn
Failing to stand wary
To the edges by love drawn
Motion cautionary

You - know - what - I - dearly - want
Good enough as a shameless ploy

They will be humbled who may want to have their way
A sorry fate awaiting the contender
Whose invitations to the see-through power play
Will be returned to their sender

Other senses preoccupied
Fragrance of a cherry
Tales to capture, truth to hide
Woes to make us merry
Dreamy greetings from faraway
Promise sanctuary
Aiming to believers sway
All involuntary
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2017. Words and music by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


It is also optional to end the intro with the phrase 'you better watch yourself!'

Fascinated by all a good look would reveal
Left to linger, likely to fall for surface's appeal
Can't keep fighting such an inviting
Trouble in disguise
Later on blame it on the mischief in her eyes

Must be nice to devote so much time to a game
But outside her gratified zone the rules are not the same
What surprises hide in horizons
Too far off to size
Are soon diminished by the mischief on the rise

It takes me away - to plains of discovery
It teases me to - beyond the recovery

Won't deny the pleasure of her company
Opportunity must be taken as it comes to me
Though sincerity is in question
Consciously unwise
Until I'm finished by the mischief in her eyes
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2017. Words and music by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.