Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Easter 2017

Happy Easter 2017
Long ago the Good Lord risen
Task of hope fulfilled complete
Made the world by sins forgiven
Fit for angels here to meet

They may sing songs to the little
Taking smiles as their pay
Their expense presents no riddle
Pleasing others is their way

To the hungry and the broken
By compassion are they drawn
Filling plates with love unspoken
Urging me to struggle on

So the lost need not be fearful
Edging closer to the grave
For receptive to the faithful
Hands must wait to catch and save

God bless those sweet nuns and their attractive young helpers at the Door is Open where I enjoyed an Easter feast yesterday. And God bless their good sponsors. If you liked the theme of this poem, please visit Coats from the Lost and Found.
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2017. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Best Advertising

The Best Advertising
Back in January when those elementary school girls were taunting me in unison with sex grunts as the city prepared for an exciting Blue Rodeo concert made out of my music, I heard a beautiful song playing from the radio of a passing vehicle and wondered who wrote it. Was that Blue Rodeo's 'new hit'? Did it help them fill all the seats in the Queen Elizabeth Theatre? Is it still on the radio now?

I heard that they still had some music 'stashed away' around that time. They think that if I can't consciously recall a song I wrote in the past, it's acceptable to tell everyone that they wrote it. Since the media, apparently out of personal spite, do not want to do their jobs of presenting music fraud as a destructive and ultimately costly crime, let me do it for them. If you go to jail for committing fraud with my music, it has little or nothing to do with me and everything to do with you. It doesn't matter if I can't recall the song you stole, it only matters that you did not write it. You will be unable to prove your ownership to the satisfaction of the authorities and you will be punished severely for it. What happens to the song after that? Well, unless the business wants to return my property to me or unless I inadvertently rewrite it, no one gets to use it.

And it was a beautiful song. Yes, I think I write the beautiful hits. The business doesn't care if a song is beautiful, though, they only care if it's a hit. For instance, I recall how I used to enjoy the Billboard Top Ten on the AM radio dial as a teen back in '79. Some of the hits on that list were beautiful, such as the Boomtown Rats' I Don't Like Mondays or Nick Lowe's Cruel to Be Kind. That was such a magical time for me, just coming of age. And then I'd wait with baited breath to hear which song would be number one and it was always Joe Dolce's Shut Upya Face. It was the biggest hit on the radio that year but its beauty was considerably less than musical. And I would groan and say 'when is this song going to go away?' Songs like that must be what the pop station is referring to when they boast of being the number one hit station: the obnoxious hits. I try not to write hits like that.

The worst I might come up with would be a tune like Loose with its filler lyrics, which sound like they might have been inspired by a shopping trip to the hardware store. I tried with that one but I fell short of my goal. Incidentally, did I hear about someone stealing that song last night? A woman? Maybe she wants us all to pretend it's still 2010 when I was so clued out about all the crime these stars committed with my work. My newer works are more informed.

Who do you think is paying for this advertising blitz to make us listen to radio stations and to watch CBC? Did you pay for it by buying a ticket to see Nickleback with Fool's Paradise or Blue Rodeo with Mischief or the Crystalids with Size or Beyonce with Under My Umbrella or Seal with Bad News, etc, etc? Did I pay for it out of the millions of dollars of royalties owed to me by these broadcasters which they now refuse to pay me? Or did one or more of the wealthiest stars who stole my music fork out money for advertising in exchange for being allowed to stay on the radio after their crime? And why do they need to advertise? Is it because they can't reach you as easily with their mind control device at home or in your car anymore so that they have to come after you in the street and shove a sign in your face? Why didn't I see all this advertising around me when my songs were on the radio? I guess it's because no one needed to be forced to listen to my songs. I guess that people listen to the radio for the music more than anything else. If the radio has songs they like, they freely choose to tune them in. And when the radio loses those songs, it loses listeners. That forces the stations to spend on advertising. So music fraud is costly on this basis. Sound reasonable?

The best advertising for a radio station, then, is quite simply a popular playlist. Maybe one day the broadcasters will let me restore their profits by passing my music to them through a legitimate agent. Until then they seem determined to oppose my success.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Ignorance Is This

Ignorance Is This
I guess these bands that rip me off and lie about me want me to cover over my music posts here with daily defenses of my image and reputation. So, yes, he is a liar. And he tells the kind of lies that can get him incarcerated.

I doubt I will ever understand this world. Two thousand years ago a man came along and made everyone feel good and they pinned him to a cross in front of his mother for it. Here we are in the present and I come along and make people feel good on the web and the media crucifies me for it.

I'm not equating myself with the Lord, I'm just saying that it seems like we never learn anything here.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Do I Exist?

Do I Exist?
I have my earplugs in tight and I'm leaving them in until I can find a more peaceful place to live. My room is noisy and when I put in my earplugs I end up listening to a train of voices in my head that tell me things like 'he erased your face!' Who is he? Why did he erase my face? Is he allowed to mar my music videos like that? You see, I can't search the web very well from here since I have no views or comments on my pages to work with. That's why I'm asking you about it. And I was thinking of how a song post of mine might gather several comments from appreciative women outside my region but the only comment that is visible to me would be from an old work mate or band mate. Then when I answer the comment, assholes might say I'm ignoring the women in favor of men and falsely accuse me of being gay. Did that happen?

For a guy whose work sent so many superstars to jail and prison, big stars like Madonna, for instance, I get the sense that I don't exist here. How much money did those stars pay to achieve this effect? I swear they've turned every square foot of my living space into Hell on Earth for me when I'm innocent. All this time I have to struggle against them when I should be on a stage with my popular music. I hope it sends their rotten business to the poor house.

I am dissatisfied with how the justice is being handled around my copyrights. The business gets to punish stars for violating contracts and YouTube gets to punish people who violate their terms with my work but I don't get to punish anyone when I'm the principle victim of the crime. But does the music label like the way the media makes everyone think their contracts are bullshit? Because when they fail to point out the gravity of that contract clause about ownership, it opens the door for every cocksucker on the planet to rip me off and sign a contract for my work. Does the business want that?

When I walk down Pender Street I sometimes find myself yelling out that I don't exist. It's like I don't exist because I'm not on TV. That's how I'm being treated. I guess that's what the TV thinks of you, too.

I'm looking forward to making a video series about stores that love stars more than customers, like Safeway, No Frills, London Drugs, and TnT. I was a regular Safeway shopper for all my years on Commercial Drive but whenever I go in there now, they insult me with Madonna music deliberately. They care about Madonna more than they care about me. The last time I was in No Frills, they played Madonna followed by Coldplay. That was no coincidence. Here are the grocers who tell you to fuck advertising and they're taking sides with a glamorous star against her plain victim. It shows you how full of shit they are. They probably lower their prices in some far more dishonest way than merely skimping on package design and plastic bags. The last time I was in London Drugs for earplugs it wasn't in time to spare my ears from the assault of Rolling Stones music. Did Mick Jagger shop in their store for twenty years and tell everyone what great deals they offered? No, but they still love him more than their customer. And I just know that if I stood outside the TnT with my video camera and said that I was about to have to be insulted while I gave my money to these jerks, I guarantee you it would happen within five seconds of entering their store. Maybe someone should blast it off the face of the earth.

How's Blue Rodeo? They suck without my music, don't they? They're just another Crystalids that stayed on the radio and that the broadcasters wanted to make fools out of us with. Oh, I won't hold my breath waiting for any gratitude. Did my music give you pleasure coming from them for the last ten years on the radio? I won't hold my breath waiting for any gratitude for my songwriting efforts.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

CBC Can't Face Reality

CBC Can't Face Reality
I saw a CBC promotion on a bus stop last week for a show about Canada being anything we want. Anything? Okay, I want Canada to be a place where I can play my own songs in my own country. And I want Canada to be a place where I can put my own name on my own poems and comedy scripts without having to suffer through ten years of fraud provoked public hate.

Did my music fans want me to get up on a stage and play? What stage did they have in mind for me? The Queen Elizabeth Theatre? I'd gladly take a gig at the Queen E. I'm sure I could make a decent profit filling that many seats. But I gather that the CBC has reserved the Queen E. for any star and every star who has stolen my songs and/or blogs which you will find on the list in my Copyright Issues page. And does the radio still play Mischief without me singing it? What about It Makes Me Wonder? What about Small Miracles? I wouldn't know because I don't listen to brain damaging fraud, but I know that Blue Rodeo disappointed their crowd by not playing the songs everyone liked when they played their concert: the songs they stole from my 2007 YouTube account.

Does the rock radio play anything that came out after the year 2000 or has that seventeen year period been largely filled by songs stolen out of my YouTube account by bands like Nickleback, Blue Rodeo, the Crystalids, the Shards, Oasis, Coldplay and AC/DC? I'm only judging by what I hear whenever I'm forced to listen because I'm not at home.

We still have Anne of Green Gables though. That came out around World War One before the advent of broadcasting. And we still have In Flanders Fields because that came out in World War One before a creep like Tom Hanks could come along and steal it for his war movie. If Canada was anything I want, we'd also be able to lay claim to my thousands of scripts and hundreds of poems and songs. But Canada isn't anything I want, it's anything that rich corrupt Americans want when they pour their billions into a fraud scheme made out of my copyright protected material. And if I must face this reality as the victim of such a scheme, why can't CBC?
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.