Thursday, March 30, 2017

Defending My Honour Again

Defending My Honour Again
I'm not sure about this year being a bumper year for songwriting anymore since I've lost interest in my songwriting for the time being. The Blue Rodeo concert has had a very negative impact on me, their fraud victim. First of all, I did not like hearing about their pen. Ten years ago the Crystalids pulled the same stunt and gouged a ten year hole into my life with it. And why were those girls in the primary school running up to the fence to taunt me with sex grunts in January when Blue Rodeo was coming to town? My guess is that the band assassinated my character behind my back with yet another false accusation of a sex offense against children to clear the way for their album fraud with my music now that ten years have passed since the Crystalids did the same thing to me to clear the way for their own music fraud with three hours of my songs. And where was I headed when the girls sprang out to taunt me from behind the fence? I was on my way to meet a lawyer who wants me to think that Saturday Night Live, a show that plagiarized thousands of lines of my rhyming verses, was only parodying me. So let me answer his question here in front of the whole world by asking him a question: why don't you ask my neighbors from my old apartment building who wanted to push me off my balcony because they thought I was stealing from the TV if they think that Saturday Night Live was only parodying me?

I've brought my camera with me today to take a shot of myself posting this blog and showing the date on my library computer. I need to constantly show people that I'm not in jail because these lying stars on TV lie and tell them I'm in jail every second week when I've never been arrested or incarcerated my whole life. I'll try to include a video shot for each post I make from the library from now on if it helps to support the claims I make against evil predators who the TV has everyone mistaking for sweethearts who believe in 'small miracles' while they use their stolen fame to tell schoolchildren lies about my poetry, music, cartoons, comedy and my sexuality. Just give me some time to compile them at home.

Sitting here today and counting up the thousands of violations of my music and writing from the last ten years, I can't help but be a little frustrated over not being able to get a lawyer here. Even in 2007 I apparently had to travel all the way to Ottawa to find a lawyer as the TV helped itself to my blogs while they were still online. Why didn't these lawyers see the money making opportunity of taking my righteous side against wealthy stars and corporations? I guess they looked at how the stars and broadcasters were all pile driving onto me and simply figured I would be crushed by it and just thought they should let it all happen. I guess they didn't have any moral problem with accepting such a miserable crime of fraud made out of beautiful songs and poems for children and messages of hope for people of faith. Maybe they even liked the fraud. Or maybe someone came along from among the wealthy stars and wealthy corporations who wanted to slaughter me and made it more profitable for them to show me the door when I came running to them, begging for help. Anyway, it does not speak very highly of the state of intellectual property law in this country. I wonder if the prime minister has noticed how much harm has been caused by this dismissive attitude about a Canadian artist's copyright security. I hope so. Maybe the RCMP can investigate this incident.

Speaking of crime, I think it is extremely unfair to honest people on fixed incomes to place them in an environment where they may be unfairly associated with misfits and criminals. Of course, we can't have our miracle narcotics economy without a slum like Main and Hastings to pay for it, eh? Too bad it ends up costing me all my songs and blogs when they point to me in a soup line and try to present it to the world as some sort of proof of my criminality, especially when I do not even use narcotics myself.

There are still a lot of local scenes I want to shoot before I leave to find a lawyer and a gig. I need to go out to Commercial Drive for my next documentary and show you my old apartment building on East 8th Avenue. We can talk about that. And then I can show you the building where my artist friend met his untimely demise and we can talk about that. I can show you the venue where I played a couple songs in 2000 which was attended by several Georgia Straight staff, as well as a WEA talent scout. Maybe I'll show you the places where I spent years working full-time here like the glass shop and the recycling plant. And we can walk by the college where I received my diploma in web design in 2000 and I still had high hopes for my future. Maybe we can go into my other deceased friend's yard and show you how someone would be able to eaves drop from there and hear me telling my friend that I only had one copy of my songs on this cassette and that he must not give it to anyone or sell it to anyone - about five minutes before he sold it to a stranger who showed up after I left. I should also show you the bridge I almost jumped off of in 2012 while everyone was calling me Jon Stewart and Dateline was pretending to be my heroes by showing people women I've never met who say they are my groupies and that they are not attracted to me. You can see how I would have ended up in pieces on the ground while Dateline would have become even bigger stars with all the power they got from having my evidence.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What I Know about Blue Rodeo

What I Heard about Blue Rodeo
I've been regularly asking about Blue Rodeo since January's end and I haven't heard a single thing from anyone about them. Is the radio still playing the songs Blue Rodeo stole from my 2007 YouTube account? They better not be. Let me tell you why.

When Blue Rodeo showed up in town to play their concert at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre they were confronted by men who I gather belong to 'contract enforcement'. You see, as much as the business may hate me, it hates people who bullshit on contracts even more. These enforcers 'fried' Blue Rodeo's pen. Blue Rodeo must have said they had a pen they they signed my private parts with - just like the Crystalids said they had. And then these men asked Blue Rodeo to prove their ownership of my music and Blue Rodeo was unable to do it. And if any more of my songs are heard by them on the radio after this, these enforcers are going to show up at the radio station and show the radio staff firsthand what happened to Blue Rodeo when the band couldn't prove their ownership of my songs.

I'm in the library building across from the CBC right now and I had to endure more radio billboards to get here. Maybe broadcasters wouldn't need to advertise so aggressively, practically dragging us all in front of our sets against our will, if they didn't commit so much foul fraud with beautiful works of music and comedy. Or maybe a lot of people refuse to trust them again until they admit their fault in such a glaring crime as their ten-year-long fraud with my work. Viewers and listeners probably don't like having their intelligence repeatedly insulted by lie after lie either.

You'll notice that my claims have stayed consistent from the beginning. I don't need to change my story. For instance, Blue Rodeo stole several of my 2007 acoustic rock songs. That's all I ever said about them. And how many times has their story changed about me since I first brought this topic up in my last Blogger account? The broadcasters change their stories a lot too. They wouldn't need to do that if they told the truth to start with.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ill Fortune

Right Side Up
How many horribly destructive lies about my life and whereabouts of the last five years did I contradict with this video account of my activities posted on YouTube last Thursday (March 23, 2017)? I can fit that camera into the palm of my hand. I'm sure it will prove as handy as its name.

Who's playing at the Fortune Sound Club? I passed the queue on the way to buy my new video recorder. Should I bring it around to make a video outside the club later? What kind of exciting music are they going to play? Are they friends of Blue Rodeo? Did Blue Rodeo have to go to jail and suck off farm animals for violating their contracts?

You all heard of the Fortune Sound Club, right? That's where I just said that blond Nazi prick stole my songs in 2014. And now there's a big happy concert there. And it sounds like they're telling people that Blue Rodeo ripped them off! What a disgusting crime scene. What a hostile environment for an artist. I'm glad I can take this new camera out on the road with me.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Right Side Up

Right Side Up

It's up to me to give you my side of this story of rich stars swooping down on me and taking all my songs and blogs because the media doesn't show both sides of the story. Even when the media appears to be championing my side, as they did in 2011 and 2012, they are not doing it. For instance, who's 'with them'? I don't even know them. They have you thinking I 'm working somewhere I stopped working in 2009. And who's my groupie? Did I sign a contract? I have no conscious memory of signing a contract so how could I have groupies? But there they are, showing you my groupies who appear to be rejecting me. Where was I through all of this? Oh, probably standing outside the drop-in center, waiting for a free soup and a salad. So here's more of the victim's side of a terrible crime that I'm stuck telling you myself because the media just wants you to know the culprit's side of it.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

They're Evil

Editor's Note
Well, I'm a little depressed because something I was trying to do for a laugh is turning into a really difficult struggle for me right now. I have a lot of good ideas, but since I have no help, it's not much fun for me to do so much work by myself, especially when everyone else takes the money and credit for my effort and my creative talent.

I was thinking about how I sat across from a bunch of lawyers in Vancouver in 2007, shortly after I erased my Blogger account to stop the constant fraud that politicians were tolerating, and they told me to go home and that they couldn't help me. And now they tell me that I have waited too long to be able to take legal action over my copyright. I also posted a string of 'Attention Police' notices in my account through the whole year of 2007 and the police couldn't help me. No one helped me to make a decent video but I'm sure everyone but me would still enjoy the videos made out of my music for the bands that stole my music. That's because the people with all the money only ever supported fraud with my work all these years. And now people don't just refuse me help, they interfere with me.

I like how these fools who can't do anything other than lie about me when I speak the truth about their crimes in public want you to think that they're 'letting me' tell you about their prosecutions and incarcerations. Stars are very image conscious and a lot of people read my blogs so they would absolutely not tolerate anyone lying about them going to jail if it weren't true; they would make the liar erase his accusations and probably send him to jail. But when such accusations are true, the only thing that the stars and their broadcasting supporters can do about it is to tell more really stupid pathetic lies that insult our intelligence.

I saw the billboard for the modern rock station. Don't you mean the fraud station? Was I a jerk for saying they're evil? How about turning a song with the word 'heaven' in the title into music fraud and poisoning millions of hearts with it through the radio and TV? Is that not evil? And that's just one song off a cassette of three hours of three minute songs that were all turned into music fraud and broadacst on the modern rock station. That's a lot of evil.

Do you think my Orbit is modern rock? I think so. It's very progressive. But if you want modern rock to last, you better tell the modern rock station to stop driving artists to suicide with their evil crimes.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Tinsel Heaven

Tinsel Heaven
Invitation from out of the blue
Waves conform to a curvy procession
Opportunities too good to be true
Hope to make at least a decent impression

You might have made a softer landing
Upon my whole domain

Young and pretty like the girl of my dreams
Disinclined to stay with principles on track
Machination all the fun that it seems
On an avenue to imminent contact

The stars above have more to offer
Glittering prizes to grandly proffer
But we can still be one
At least until the morning sun
And wander on with a memory fond
Of an ultimate pairing

Thrifty limits keep the pedestal low
Standards drag upon the most up-and-coming
Faraway from the festival glow
Grandiosity may first appear stunning

In tinsel heaven they would adore you
They'd roll the carpet right out for you
But we can still unite
At least until the time is right
To take our flame to the great beyond
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2017. Words and music by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Moving Performance

Moving Performance

The above shows the direction I would like to take with my music videos for my newer songs. Video footage of a performance is more interesting to look at than a photograph. This approach will let me make loud music videos without getting too loud in my room. I don't have an amp anymore anyway right now.

Now I just need the topless dancers. If any young women on the street are looking for a job to help them come clean...
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.